Meshtastic 2YUS stats

Displays statistics gathered via 2YUS (Ben) Meshtastic® node.


List of nodes heard in the last 3 hours. Older versions of the firmware don't report their starting hop limit so it's difficult to know if these are direct or not.

Short name Name Last heard Hops Signal

Nodes online

Number of nodes online in each 3 hour block over the past 7 days. A node is classed online when a packet has been heard from it within the past 3 hours.

Packet types

Packet types in the past hour.

Packet types (by node)

Shows the number of packets from each node including the individual types in the last hour. Ideally you want this to be low unless there's a reason.


Shows heard traceroutes from the last 3 hours. The return path is one possible route so far. There may be more hops to go to return to the original node or it may have even taken a wrong turn and is a long way from home. It may have never arrived back or took the long way around and got ignored.

Hops left

Displays the average hops left with an error bar showing the minimum and maximum. Could be used to spot changes/variance in mesh routing.


Meshtastic Map

Live map of node positions, telemetry, traceroutes, messages and more by Liam Cottle. The data has to be gated via a connected MQTT node to appear. "Ok to MQTT" in LoRa setings is respected where supported by Meshtastic Firmware.

South Coast MESH MQTT Live Feed

"Fruit machine" hosted by SDNB. Shows LongFast chat as reported by 2YUS, LH-D, LH-O and SDNB via Meshtastic Map side-by-side.